Win-Back List is a reporting tool with a comprehensive dashboard designed to present the health of bankers' book of business. The project helped bankers bring in $5B dollars.
Project Info
I'm the PM who delivered the first DataViz dashboard. 
■ Date: March 2023 - April 2023 (1 month)
■ Users: Relationship Managers, Preferred Banking Officers, Client Service Associates
■ Tools: Jira, Confluence, Figma, Figjam
■ Technologies: Javascript (React), HTML, CSS, SQL
$5B deposits won back: Enabled users to win back in 2 months since the benchmark date of 03/08/2023.
40K households contacted: Helped users identify the key contact person and track the contact status. 40K households were contacted in 2 months. 
▍​​​​​​​40M clicks in a month: Highest traffic across all products within the bank. 
Following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank in March 2023, First Republic Bank experienced an unprecedented deposit outflow. A high number of uninsured deposits contributes to a bank run when investors start to panic. Along with credit rating downgrades, investors were increasingly concerned about keeping uninsured deposits with a regional bank.
Value Proposition
▍Simple & Concise: Only relevant information is shown. When helping our users to combat a crisis, the last thing the product wants to do is to confuse our users. 
▍Interactive: Users can customize the view of the data table and put notes to collaborate with their team members.
▍Data Visualization: Key metrics are shown for the users to track progress. Users can tell the health of their book of business at one glance at the pie chart. 
Product Planning
▍Decision tree: From intensive user interviews after the MVP launch, I learned that users had a hard time crunching the numbers from the data table by themselves. With user feedback and the management team's advice, I made the decision tree to categorize the types of clients/households. It's a powerful visualized way to communicate with our designers, engineers, and data team for building the product. 
"Win-Back List" is a curated data table with the most relevant information of a client/household to help the product users (bankers) bring back the deposits and alleviate the situation of massive withdrawals of deposits. The data table is customizable in the ways of filters, sortings, and hide/unhide/relocate columns. Quick filters (presets) are provided for more actionable information to the bankers.
Summary Dashboard
In the summary modal, the key metrics are provided on the top for users to track their progress. Only relevant metrics are shown here to have the users focus on company strategy. 
The pie chart is the first diagram implemented in the application. Behind the simple pie chart,  many communications between teams were done. I talked to the data team to ensure data accuracy, worked with back-end engineers to ensure the data API was ready, and worked with front-end engineers and designers to piece the puzzles together. 

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